Monday, May 18, 2009

This week was the week!

I am finally in the 150's!!!! 159.8 to be exact.

I think the new weight routine is working to shock my body into dropping some weight. I have also been doing 45-50 minutes of cardio 4 days per week.


Hopefully I can keep up the LOSS!

Saturday, May 9, 2009 slacker!

I have been a slacker in posting here!

Ill give a quick update on my life. Lily is all better thank goodness. I ended up going to my moms for 5 days last month and gained about 5 pounds LOL

I did step on the scale this AM to find I weighed 160.8!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Im so close to the 150's!!!!

I have been doing a new weight routine that I am loving. Its a full body circuit and it only takes about a half hour, but its kicks my ass! My heart rate is in the 150's-160's the entire time. Its 5 exercises and you do them with no rest in between. Like for instance, right now its chest flyes, one arm dumbell rows, bridges, front shoulder raises, and tricep dips. I warm up for 10 minutes on the elliptcal first. Then when Im done with the weight routine, I run for 15 minutes on the treadmill and then do elliptical for another half hour. Seems to be doing some good!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

All better!

Lily is feeling better, and eating like a horse to gain back the weight she lost! I think I may have found it though! teeheehee

I have not stepped on the scale since I got back from my moms, and I dont plan to until Friday. I am going to have Friday as my weigh in days from now on, because I like to have my cheat meal on Saturdays.

Yesterday I thouroughly enjoyed the weather and walked 5 miles!!!!! It took me about 1.5 hours so I was going at a pretty good speed too. I am actually sore today!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

my baby is sick

My baby has been sick since Saturday morning, so no Melting Pot for us.

I have not really had an appetite, as I am worried about her. She throws up everything she attempts to eat and drink. Its almost like her body is rejecting anything as soon as it hits her belly, it comes up. I swear she is getting worse, not better! I think Im going to end up in the ER with her tonight. We shall see.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

last weeks progress

I was 162.2 on Monday morning. Im so clost to the 150's I just cant seem to get there, and its pissing me off!!!

Tuesday was my daughters 3rd birthday, so of course I had cake and other bad food. Today is my 10 year anniversary, and Saturday we are going to the Melting Pot to celebrate. I doubt they have anything healthy there! Sunday we are having a party at our house and the menu includes, spinich and artichoke dip, stuffed mushrooms, chips, salsa, and we will probably order pizza. Yeah...dont see any weight coming off this week. To make it worse, I am headed to my moms for Easter on Thursday. Im going to try to eat ok, but come on!! Its Easter!!! LOL

My goal is to not GAIN weight. We shall see!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

My time

I finished the Irish Jig in 33 minutes 23 seconds! Im proud of that time, although everyone I know that ran it did better than me :-(

I took 5 minutes off my time from last year, an Im going to sign up for the Riverbank run in May and hopefully do it in under 30 minutes.